Saturday, September 21, 2013

So what is the Sister Diet?!

The Chocolate Cake Sisters!!!
So over the years we have been each others Chocolate Cake Sister. The only problem we have found has been the actual Chocolate Cake. For some reason over the years my figure has decided that I should not have my cake and eat it too.

So recently Jessica and I have developed the Sister Diet. This is how it all started. We went out to eat at Subway one night. Jess and I decided it was late and we didn't need the extra calories. So "LIGHTBULB"!! We got a 6 inch and split it. Of course we also got a cookie and split it as well!! Seriously what a great diet. 1/2 the calories!


Eating healthier has really helped my energy levels. I got brave a few weeks ago and decided that I wanted to start jogging. So I did. I did awesome the first week and a half. Due to a cold/flu I had a date with my pillow. So I haven't been awesome at jogging everyday but I have been at least every other day since!! Yeah. Now I know what you are thinking how is this part of the sister diet. Well I will tell you, because I am just that awesome. Well here it is: while I'm jogging I wear my awesome Bluetooth earphones. And instead of music...yep you've guessed it!! My Chocolate Cake Sister is on the line. She talks...I jog. I am loving it. That's what every sister needs!
My darling sister has been such a great support system for me! She is always cheering me on.
Check this out. Not only do I have more energy. My self esteem is starting to improve! With my Chocolate Cake sister in my corner I can do anything!! Yep I can even still eat my Chocolate Cake.
Because if I follow the plan:
1. Cut a slice of cake.
2. Cut that slice of cake in half.
3. Give half to your sister
4. Eat my half of a slice.
I am only eating half the calories.

It seems that I had forgotten one of the great life lessons we learn as children. "SHARING". Really when did I become so selfish. What was I thinking all these years? Just because Jessica baked me a cake didn't mean I needed to eat the whole thing by myself. No, how much better of an experience it would have been to share the love with others.
Now the only problem that Jessica and I are having is that she lives in Missouri and I live in Utah.
So what to do? What to do? Guess I'll eat the other half tomorrow!


  1. Great post!! And way to go on the jogging! You have just inspired me to move from my bed to the walking desk-- I guess it's that time of the day, and will be much healthier. Thanks for the reminder, Mindy! Love you~
