Friday, September 27, 2013

I accept the challenge!

"I feel certain that if, in our homes, parents will read from the Book of Mormon prayerfully and regularly, both by themselves and with their children, the spirit of that great book will come to permeate our homes and all who dwell therein. The spirit of reverence will increase; mutual respect and consideration for each other will grow. The spirit of contention will depart. Parents will counsel their children in greater love and wisdom. Children will be more responsive and submissive to the counsel of their parents. Righteousness will increase. Faith, hope, and charity—the pure love of Christ—will abound in our homes and lives, bringing in their wake peace, joy, and happiness."
(Conference Report, President Marion G. Romney April 1980, 90; or Ensign, May 1980, 67)

Our Mother had this posted in our home when we were growing up. When I got married my mother had this quote laminated with a picture of our family on the opposite side. I have kept in my scriptures for 12 years. I love this quote.

Ok so here is the part where I tell you, um yep I have not taken this challenge fully. Yes I read my scriptures. How often you ask? um, lets just say some weeks are better than others. Well now that I have confessed my shortcomings. Let me tell you what goals I have set. Not only for me, but for my family!!

1. Companion Study! Jeremy and I have set the goal to read 1 page a night. Then whomever reads gets to also say the prayers. (we figured it would be easier to remember whose turn it was that way)

2. With Kids! When we tuck the kids in bed we will read 1-2 verses and discuss them. Then Each kid will say their prayers.

3. Personal Study! read the verses that I will be reading with the kids beforehand. Try to figure out a way to apply that scripture to them.

I know what you are thinking how does this apply to the Sister Diet? Well here it is!

Jessica I know that you are seven years younger than I am. So you probably do not remember this quote. But Jessica, I here by challenge you to accept this challenge by President Marion G. Romney. And together we can encourage one another! Do You Accept?????????

Saturday, September 21, 2013

Wake Up, And Do Something More

I have found myself lately feeling very inadequate, I have always wanted to be the ideal wife and mother. You know the kind, the ones that seem like they are capable of doing anything. The canner, baker, seamstress, influential speaker, the crafty one, best dressed, perfect body, and the list goes on and on. I feel like the more I strive to be better and being this ideal person the more I fail.
I'm not sure where I have got this idea in my head that I need to be perfect in everything it is exhausting and so when I cant do something as well as someone else I feel like a failure. Now I do know nobody is perfect, and that we all have strengths and weaknesses but it its hard. 
I was recently looking on my newsfeed on Facebook and read one of my amazing friends post. which read,  "have I done any good in the world today, have I helped anyone in need?"  This was just what I needed to see! I have been getting this message over and over lately it hit me very strong this morning, I have been so worried about what how others perceive me that I lost sight of what is really important. The focus of heavenly father and my family in my life. I think this happens a lot  in a world of today where everything that we get from the media is that we are not good enough, we need to have the perfect body, perfect clothes, We need to have all the riches of the world to be happy. 
 I recently have moved to Missouri from Utah it has been quite the change, some good some bad but overall a good experience so far. One thing I have realized here is we don't know what is truly going on with a person we haven't walked in there shoes people can seem fine on the outside when they are hurting inside. I met one person that I have talked to a couple of times she seemed happy like nothing  would be bothering her then one sunday in sunday school, we were talking about how we need to help others in need and sometimes its hard if you are the one in need to tell others. she preceded to tell us that she had 12 dollars to her name that needed to last until the end of the month and this was only the middle of the month. She said she always makes it by, sometimes its hard but she knows the the lord will answer her prayers if  she does everything she can on her end.  I go back to this wonderful song that my friend quoted from,

Have I Done Any Good In The World Today? Song Lyrics

Have I Done Any Good?
Have I done any good in the world today?
Have I helped anyone in need?
Have I cheered up the sad and made someone feel glad?
If not, I have failed indeed.
Has anyone’s burden been lighter today because I was willing to share?
Have the sick and the weary been helped on their way?
When they needed my help was I there?
Then wake up and do something more
Than dream of your mansion above.
Doing good is a pleasure, a joy beyond measure,
A blessing of duty and love.
There are chances for work around just now,
Opportunities right in our way.
Do not let them pass by, saying, “Sometime I’ll try,”
But go and do something today.
‘Tis noble of man to work and to give;
Love’s labor has merit alone.
Only he who does something helps others to live.
To God each good work will be known.

I think that if we could all live by these lyrics how our world would be so much different.  I truly believe that if I am constantly serving my family and others I wont feel so inadequate. Now I know I may never be the best seamstress, most fit, the ideal wife and mother but I know in the words of my mother, "If you cant be good, Be better." I know that If I work to be better and help others by waking up, and doing something more every day the things that seem important to me now wont seem so important later

So what is the Sister Diet?!

The Chocolate Cake Sisters!!!
So over the years we have been each others Chocolate Cake Sister. The only problem we have found has been the actual Chocolate Cake. For some reason over the years my figure has decided that I should not have my cake and eat it too.

So recently Jessica and I have developed the Sister Diet. This is how it all started. We went out to eat at Subway one night. Jess and I decided it was late and we didn't need the extra calories. So "LIGHTBULB"!! We got a 6 inch and split it. Of course we also got a cookie and split it as well!! Seriously what a great diet. 1/2 the calories!


Eating healthier has really helped my energy levels. I got brave a few weeks ago and decided that I wanted to start jogging. So I did. I did awesome the first week and a half. Due to a cold/flu I had a date with my pillow. So I haven't been awesome at jogging everyday but I have been at least every other day since!! Yeah. Now I know what you are thinking how is this part of the sister diet. Well I will tell you, because I am just that awesome. Well here it is: while I'm jogging I wear my awesome Bluetooth earphones. And instead of music...yep you've guessed it!! My Chocolate Cake Sister is on the line. She talks...I jog. I am loving it. That's what every sister needs!
My darling sister has been such a great support system for me! She is always cheering me on.
Check this out. Not only do I have more energy. My self esteem is starting to improve! With my Chocolate Cake sister in my corner I can do anything!! Yep I can even still eat my Chocolate Cake.
Because if I follow the plan:
1. Cut a slice of cake.
2. Cut that slice of cake in half.
3. Give half to your sister
4. Eat my half of a slice.
I am only eating half the calories.

It seems that I had forgotten one of the great life lessons we learn as children. "SHARING". Really when did I become so selfish. What was I thinking all these years? Just because Jessica baked me a cake didn't mean I needed to eat the whole thing by myself. No, how much better of an experience it would have been to share the love with others.
Now the only problem that Jessica and I are having is that she lives in Missouri and I live in Utah.
So what to do? What to do? Guess I'll eat the other half tomorrow!

Our DIet

The trick to this diet is you need to find someone a sister, friend, someone that can be with you through anything, and is always there to support you. I have that with my sister we have always been able to tell each other anything. She is always there to stand by me in the happy and sad things in life. Like Mindy has said we started this diet by sharing a 6 in. sub. We call each other a lot and try and plan our meals together. I'm lucky to have a best friend that is also my sister

Friday, September 20, 2013

Chocolate Cake Sisters!

The following is the article that inspired my Mother to implement the Chocolate Cake Sisters! You know how you go through life hearing life lessons and just as quickly as you hear them they are just as quickly forgotten. Well this was such a fantastic life lesson with such a cleaver name that I will Forever remember that I want to be the Chocolate Cake Sister! (It also helps that I LOVE Chocolate Cake!)

Young Women—Titles of Liberty
Sharon G. Larsen
You don’t have to be Captain Moroni to make a difference. Our Father in Heaven needs you to be who you are, in your family. He planned it that way.
The captain of the Nephite army was angry! Amalickiah, a wicked and ambitious dissenter, was seeking to destroy the homes and families and country of the righteous Nephites. Captain Moroni took his coat and tore it to make a banner. On the coat he wrote these words, “In memory of our God, our religion, and freedom, and our peace, our wives, and our children” (Alma 46:12), and he fastened this piece of his coat on the end of a pole. He called this banner “the title of liberty.” It was hoisted upon every tower which was in all the land—a reminder to protect their families from wicked intruders.
Young women, you are like titles of liberty as you strive to protect your families from such intruders as selfishness, harshness, anger, and strife. Your banner stands for peace and love and service to your families.
Listen to the example of a young woman who wrote: “Right now in my family we are going through a tough time. I have been given the opportunity to fill my mother’s role. Sometimes I have to not participate in activities after school so I can care for my brother. Sometimes I have to not go out with my friends so that I can cook dinner or go grocery shopping.” Then she adds, “Because of this responsibility, I have learned a great deal about being a mother, growing up and taking responsibility, not only for myself but for others.”
When you are carrying your title of liberty, your banner, you will find many ways to bless your family, to love your family, and to just pay attention.
For example, when our daughter Shelly was returning from her mission, I didn’t raise my coat on a pole, but I found a piece of red carpet long and narrow. When Shelly returned home, she walked onto a red carpet leading to the front door.
But you don’t need a red carpet or a torn coat. Sometimes just a note on a pillow or a smile or a hug is better than anything else you can think of to express love.
Service expresses love.
Lindsey was holding her banner high when she served her mother. She wrote: “My mom took a nap. I had cleaned the house. When she got up, she was surprised.” Now listen to what Lindsey said: “I had a good feeling inside.” How do you think her mother felt? How do you think Heavenly Father felt about what she did?
Young women, in my heart I roll out the red carpet for every one of you and give you a standing ovation.
You don’t have to be Captain Moroni to make a difference. Our Father in Heaven needs you to be who you are, in your family. He planned it that way. Your family wouldn’t be the same without you. You are very important.
I remember when I was about Beehive age (back when dinosaurs roamed the earth!), my older sister was leaving home to go away to school. I was crying inconsolably. As she tried to comfort me, she said, “Don’t cry, Sharon; I’ll be back.” With tear-stained face, I looked up at her and said, “Oh, I know you’ll be back, but who is going to mop the kitchen floor while you’re gone?” I think that’s called turning your heart to yourself!
I soon discovered it was more than having the floor mopped that I would miss. We need each other. We need to stand by each other.
A few years later this same older sister turned her heart to me when I asked her if I could borrow her car to go visit my friends. She agreed but said that I needed to have it back by four o’clock. I happily took off. We were having such a good time, I could hardly believe it when I looked at the clock and it was six o’clock! When I ran into the house, my sister wasn’t there, but on the table was a beautiful chocolate cake, my favorite, with a note that said: “Don’t worry. I know you were having a good time. I managed to get a ride. I love you.” Now, that is turning your heart to your family, holding your banner high! She was worrying about my feelings when I was the one who had inconvenienced her!
There is power between sisters. There is a power between brothers and sisters. There is a power between parents and children to sustain each other and, yes, even “save” each other.
Consider the lifesaving power in this story. A few years ago, twin girls Brielle and Kyrie were born prematurely to the Jackson family. They were placed in separate incubators to reduce the risk of infection. Kyrie, the larger sister at two pounds three ounces, quickly began gaining weight and calmly slept. But Brielle, who weighed only two pounds at birth, could not keep up with her. Suddenly one day Brielle’s condition became critical. The nurse tried everything she could think of to stabilize Brielle. Still Brielle squirmed and fussed as her oxygen intake plummeted and her heart rate soared. Then the nurse remembered a procedure she had heard about. She said to the worried parents, “Let me just try putting Brielle in with her sister to see if that helps.” The parents consented, and the nurse slipped the squirming baby into the incubator with the bigger sister. No sooner had the door of the incubator closed than Brielle snuggled up to Kyrie and calmed right down. Within minutes Brielle’s blood-oxygen readings were the best they had been since she was born. As she dozed, Kyrie wrapped her tiny arm around her smaller sibling (see Nancy Sheehan, “A Sister’s Helping Hand,” Reader’s Digest, May 1996, 155–56).
The doctors and nurses had tried every medical and scientific device available to help the baby and nothing worked. Nothing could do for the struggling baby what her own sister could do for her. This is what sisters can do for each other. This is what family members can do for each other.
Young women, your life is the banner that can help to protect your families from wicked intruders. We call upon you to take a stand for kindness and goodness and service to those you love most—your families. I pray, in the name of Jesus Christ, amen.